I do hv several nicknames, which most of it x byk different pon from my real name. Some of it, I like it and some of it I don’t. hehe kat sini aku list kan name2 yg org gune untuk panggil aku dari dulu sampy la skrg, termasuk sket explaination (hehe sebenarnaye x perlu pon ). Yg pasti bukan semua terlist kat sini, atas sbb2 keselamatan jiwa hehe.
BakhtiarHmm, this is typical name ppl use to call me, nothing problem with it but most of the time I need to tell them twice just to get them pronounce it right >< . Worst case scenario, I got call from one of my aunty, yg mane aku x brp kenal sgt.
Dialog dia camne.
My Aunty : asalamualaikum
Me : waalaikum salam
My Aunty : nie sape ckp nie
Me : nie Bakhtiar ckp (line x brp clear)
My Aunty : sape?
Me : Bakhtiar
My Aunty : sape td?
Me : er..Batiar, makcik
My Aunty : ooh ….o..fa tiha, Alhamdulillah hirobbil a lamin….hehehe (siap gelak lg tu ><, hampes sugguh makcik tu hehe, boleh main2 la pulak)
YaMy parent, sibling and closer relative use this name to call me, it short and simple tp berkesan hahaha = )
Tiarr / T Yarr / YarHardly to heard ppl call me with this name. Frankly to say I feel much closer when ppl call me with this name.
Buck-bakIf I am not mistaken, Mr Sam is the one who start calls me with this name. There is time he will add o at the end of that name and it became buck-o, I am not sure y but everybody then start call me with that name too
Bart – Bard - BadI got this name from my friend at high school, I kind da like it becoz it sound cool ^ ^
Amat – AhmadI use to call with this name by Chinese friend, usually girls la huhu, feel happy when they call me with this name, “eh amat, ape kamu buat dekat sini ” mhuahuaha rindu ar nak jumpe diorang blk hahaha….gilo sekejap.
tp kalo budak melayu panggil name nie, err rase nak pelempang + penyepak pon ade gak hahaha, psl biasenye berniat nak sakat aku huhu.
Biasenye aku gune name nie bile hantar baju pi dobi atau mase pi karok, sng x yah ulang name byk kali
BobHanye ade sorang je brother nie jek yg pangill aku gan name nie. Member aku pon pelik gak apasal dia panggill aku gan name tu sedangkan name bob nie biasenye untuk orang2 yg sihat2 jek, sedangkan akunye saiz opposite. Tp kalo nak diikukan jike diterbalikkan nama bob tu, still bob gak kan hehe.
Pak langHuhu my nephew and niece, call me with this name. I had 3 now and hope more to came :P, baru lg meriah haha.
bakhSeveral of my friend at university do address me with this name, I really like it and I even use it for my id ^ ^
asl aku nak tulis bende nie, aku pon x sure, just for fun only :P