Sunday, December 20, 2009

p/s: i love u

lame gak aku mendownload cite nie,
sib bik habis gak hehe...
cite dia mmg sedih ar, tu mmg tak leh nak sangkal
yg menariknye, aku tertarik dgn mcm mane 2 org nie mmg syg sesangat satu sama lain
gaduh mmg gaduh, pastu baik camtu jee..huhu~
biler aku tgk cite nie, aku rase mcm,
uit, boleh ke jumpe org yg ske same ske tahap camne,
mcm mustahil jek ><

whatever it is,
aku ske satu ayat nie yg holly kasi tau dekat deniel yg sgt sacred secret psl perempuan huhu.

deniel : what do women want?
: i can't figure it out
: they want us to ask.they don't want us to ask.
: they want us to make a move, not to make a move.
: they want us to be on the bottom, be on top.
: use hair product, don't use hair product.
: what do you ppl want?
holly : we have absolutely, no idea what we want

lol, mmg pun huhu~


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